Are you counting down the days to your well-deserved holiday in Zanzibar? Don’t let
the time difference put a damper on your plans. Below are a few things you can do to
minimise the effects of jet lag. But first things first – what is jet lag?
Your internal clock also known as your circadian rhythm, is linked to your exposure to
light and darkness. When travelling to different time zones, your internal clock gets out
of synch. This may result in symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, irritability, and
digestive problems. But there are a few things you can do.
Before you travel:
• Modifying your sleep schedule in the two days leading up to your trip can be
beneficial, so that when you arrive at your destination, there is less of a discrepancy
between your circadian rhythm and the local time.
• Minimize travel stress: Get organized and packed and don’t wait until the last minute.
Being in a rush can heighten stress and make your travels more difficult.
• Get quality sleep: Focus on getting quality rest for at least a few nights before your
trip so that you’re not already sleep-deprived at the beginning of the trip. Prioritise
sleep so you can be at your best when you arrive.
While travelling:
• Adjust your watch as soon as you get onto the plane.
• Dehydration worsens the effects of jet lag. Stay away from coffee, caffeinated soda
and alcohol at the airport, in flight and when you first reach your destination.
• Stay hydrated! Drink lots of water and even better, carry some electrolytes with you
but make sure they don’t contain any sugar.
• If it is nighttime at your destination, sleep on the plane, using a sleep mask and ear
plugs. When your brain senses darkness, it starts to produce melatonin, the chemical
that initiates sleep. Ideally, you want to wake up when your plane arrives in the
After your arrival:
• Avoid artificial light (TV, tablet, phones etc)
• Get exposure to natural light to speed up the process of acclimating to the new time
• Go for a walk (ideally barefoot) or do some light exercise.
• Get grounded by walking barefoot on natural ground such as the beach or grass.
The earth’s energy will help your inner clock to reset.
• Use caffeine wisely and only in the morning hours.
Not enough? Here are some more tips on how you can help your body stay
healthy and vitalized while travelling:
• Wear Blue light-blocking glasses. The junk light (fluorescent light) used on
aeroplanes drains your energy and will make you feel fatigued and drained.
• Use disinfectant wipes to go over your seat, armrest and tray.
• Use a saline-based xylitol nasal spray before going to the airport and
during your flight. The moisture from the saltwater keeps the skin from
cracking, and if you do, the xylitol will prevent bacteria from hanging around
your nasal cavity that causes an infection.
• Wear compression socks to keep your blood flowing.
• Fast! Not only will you avoid unnutritional aeroplane food, but it will also
help you reset faster. You will be more able to reset your inner clock to match
your environment, meaning you can adjust to time differences and jet lag
with ease.
• If you are into tech, try a Jet leg app such as TimeShifter.